7-10 Mar 2023 Paris (France)

List of participants

N Participant Dates Presentation
1 Agarwal Jessica - -
2 Attree Nicholas 7-10 March More Thermophysical Modelling of Cometary Activity
3 Baklouti Donia 7-10 March elemental composition of cometary dust
4 Belskaya Irina 7-10 March No
5 Bischoff Dorothea 7-10 March Thermophysical Modelling of Cometary Activity
6 Blum Jürgen 8-10 March Evolutionary processes and inner structure of pebble-pile comets
7 Bockelee-Morvan Dominique 7-10 March No
8 Brecher Noria 7-10 March Production and physical properties of dust-ice-pebbles
9 Briois Christelle 7-10 March No
10 Cottin Herve 7-10 March Variability in the elemental composition of the dust particles of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
11 Crovisier Jacques 7-10 March No
12 de la Parra Julia 7-10 March something related to the dust particle detection and trajectories calculations
13 Engrand Cecile 7-10 March the properties of cometary dust (The chapter in the Comets III)
14 Fornasier Sonia 7-10 March Volatile exposures on the 67P nucleus
15 Fray Nicolas 7-10 March Variability in the elemental composition of the dust particles of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
16 Fulle Marco 7-10 March The source of cometary dust: nucleus erosion
17 Goldmann Moritz 7-10 March Mass ratio of gas and particles of active water-ice samples
18 Guettler Carsten 7-10 March gas diffusion through pebbles
19 Haenni Nora 7-10 March 67P's complex organics as seen by the ROSINA/DFMS
20 Hilchenbach Martin 7-10 March Physical parameters of dust particles collected with COSIMA
21 Hornung Klaus 7-10 March No
22 Ivanova Oleksandra 7-10 March Polarimetry of some distance comets beyond the water sublimation zone
23 Ivanovski Stavro 7-10 March Dust dynamics in expanding flow in different small bodies environments
24 Kim Minjae 7-10 March MIDAS dust particle catalogue
25 Klar Lennart 7-10 March Introduction and analysis of algorithms for the generation of sphere packings
26 Knoop Calvin 7-10 March Experiments to detect the influence of surface structures on particle ejection
27 Kolokolova Lioudmila 7-9 March the recent light-scattering modeling of large aggregates
28 Kreuzig Christopher 7-10 March Tensile strength of outgased cometary surfaces
29 Kwon Yuna Grace 7-10 March A study of the coma environment of C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) during its crossing of the water ice line
30 Lasue Jeremie 7-10 March No
31 Lemos Pablo 7-10 March Estimation of physical parameters and mass flow of large aggregates from comet 67P
32 Lippi Manuela 7-10 March Updates on the Spitzer spectral maps of comet 67P
33 Longobardo Andrea 7-10 March No
34 Markkanen Johannes 7-10 March Effecrs of the optical depth on the dust phase  function measured by Rosetta/OSIRIS
35 Mastropietro Maria 7-10 March No
36 Pfeifer Marius 7-10 March To bo(u)ldly go: Dynamics and potential origins of decimeter-sized particles around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
37 Reshetnyk Volodymyr - -
38 Shubina Olena 7-10 March Properties of the dust particles in the coma of comet C/2013 X1 (PanSTARRS)
39 Sierks Holger 7-10 March No
40 Stenzel Oliver 7-9 March Update on lithium content in 67P dust
41 Tubiana Cecilia - -
42 Zakharov Vladimir 7-10 March Problem of dust ejection from the surface
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